PAX Governance
Carola Capra
President – Grupo Nueva Economia
Steve Gruber
Co-Founder – Venture Accelerator Partners Inc.
Laurence Hewick
Chairman – Sustainable Development Faculty
Alma Mater Europaea University
John Maclachlan
Professor – School of Earth, Environment and Society, McMaster University
Ash Pachauri
Co-Founder – The Protect Our Planet Movement.
Norma Sevilla
Professor & Director of Research – Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Roberto Salazar
MA, MSc.
CEO – The Hexagon Group
Chile & Equator
PAX Partners
PAX Research is proud to partner with these organizations:
The ‘Protect Our Planet’ (POP) Movement
New York, USA
The POP Movement aims to empower the world’s youth to have active participation in addressing issues of climate change so that in the future they become sustainable thinkers in whatever profession they choose to pursue. Currently POP operates in 129 countries, has 431 Partners and is involved with 222 international projects. POP was founded Dr. R. Pachauri who shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore in 2007. There is an immense need to link all the world’s youth and provide them a platform to act upon and share what they are doing to address the threat of climate change.
ECPD University for Peace
United Nations
The ECPD University for Peace was established by the United Nations with the mission to promote peace, reconciliation, socio-economic development and international cooperation. It does this through capacity building achieved by organizing and offering post-graduate studies, applied research, consulting and dissemination of knowledge.
The Institute of Strategic Risk Management
London, England
A global centre where practitioners, academics and policymakers can come together to share information, help progress, and promote the underlying understanding and capabilities associated with strategic risk and crisis management, and develop their own personal and professional networks. It currently has over 35 international chapters, and works with government agencies, global NGO’s and other major organisations who that are attempting to model, prepare for and engage with some of the most challenging sustainability problems we are facing on a planetary basis.